At 2am Dutch time last night, the American channel CBS aired an interview with Oprah Winfrey with the British royal...
The pilot of the helicopter was also killed. The circumstances of the accident are not yet clear.French President Emmanuel Macron...
David Frost, who negotiated on behalf of the United Kingdom in the Brexit process last year, slammed the EU on...
A 17-year-old boy has been shot dead in violent protests in Senegal on Saturday. A government official confirms this to...
Rafat Sido knows by heart the Pope's plan for the days to come. This weekend he is stuck in the...
Al-Sudani News reported that it was only half an hour after the flight's departure that it became clear that the...
UN calls on UN to end violence in Ethiopia's Tigre region Opposition from two veto countries puts an end to...
Activists in the fight against gang rape last year.EPA film ‘Criticizing the victim’ seems like a bizarre variation. When asked...
A court in Cologne has barred the strict supervision of the Alternative for Thailand (ABD) political party. German intelligence on...
Tens of thousands of New Zealanders are being allowed to return home after being ordered evacuated due to the upcoming...