The Washington Mystics, led by Julie Vanloo, recorded their sixth win of the season against the Indiana Fever. Despite a...
"Anything for Taylor, she deserves it."We may be too old to understand why the queen of mediocrity, Taylor Swift, is...
Nintendo has released a mysterious horror teaser online. It hasn't revealed much yet, which is why fans are already starting...
In one of the first chapters, Kooiman presents a checklist of twenty questions, ranging from “Do you drink natural wine?”...
On Tuesday 9 July, the Secretary of State for Urban Planning in Brussels, Ans Persons, presented the new Public Space...
The joy of reaching the final was short-lived for Alvaro Morata. The Spanish striker was injured in an unfortunate incident...
“As regards the victims, it was employees with managerial duties who were subjected to the inappropriate behaviour. This apparent conflicting...
Google's service that searches the dark web for leaked personal data is no longer exclusive to Google One subscribers and...
Winter wheat production in France stands at just under 7 tonnes per hectare this year, according to estimates from the...
Microsoft has announced that it is giving up its seat on OpenAI’s board. The company says the seat is no...