MovieGal Gadot, 36, requested an increase in the bonus before participating in the second Wonder Woman movie. The Israeli actress...
Osteoporosis is often only considered when a person is 70 or older. However, you may be able to diagnose this...
world Cup of footballSeveral European football federations are considering canceling their membership in FIFA, as the final form of protest...
I have this one for PC, so far only experience with Master Chief Collection, but this works poorly. Then I...
The United States will "do everything in its power" to free 17 North Americans who were kidnapped by a gang...
New Zealand signs contract for Guyrail Statler engines Design of new engines (Photo: Stadler) Stadler and New Zealand carrier Givriel...
Facebook is starting a trial with its digital wallet Novi, which is supposed to allow people to send and receive...
In the second episode of "The World's Smartest Person," Nils Destadsbadder and Dorian Osims rose to the bench of newcomer...
The discovery confirms the suspicion that smaller galaxies are in turn made up of smaller galaxies. We've known for some...
Besides Club Brugge-Manchester City (1-5) and Paris Saint-Germain-Leipzig (3-2), six matches in the Champions League group stage continued on Tuesday....