Germany's Green Party, Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen, formally reached an agreement on Sunday to start negotiations on forming a...
Not only in the media, but also in the police, according to critics, there is no urgency for a black...
In the Netherlands, there was an uproar over the new TV show "De dansmarathon" of the commercial channel SBS6. In...
Strange radio signals come from the center of the Milky Way. They scroll and stop seemingly at random, and their...
The US World Cup triplex game ends tonight in Iowa. Eli Esserbet and Quentin Hermans won the last motos in...
Our smartphones are increasingly taking over control of other things in our lives. Mirror? smart phone. discount card? smart phone....
It will be sunny for the first time today, although there will also be low clouds or fog locally. It...
"Our delegates have announced that they will stop participating in the negotiating table. George Rodriguez, Speaker of Parliament and Chairman...
Parallels Desktop, the macOS virtualization software, supports the default TPM 2.0 module for every version 17.1, allowing it to run...
British actor Michael Caine won't stop acting after all. He said on a BBC radio program on Saturday that the...