Movie"Eternals," a Marvel movie starring 46-year-old Angelina Jolie in the title role, is off to a particularly good start in...
ANNP City life is attractive. At the same time, air pollution, noise pollution, and a lack of green space threaten...
"Mockery", "joke", "not ordinary". The fact that the Red Lions did not receive a single award at the FIH Hockey...
It's an important insight into the missions planned to the icy moon, which will investigate whether a world hundreds of...
Foreign travelers who have been vaccinated will be able to travel to Sydney, Australia next month without the need to...
The Red Lions will return to action this weekend for the first time since their Olympic title in Tokyo. They...
Where is the obstacle? If you wanted to go to Lidl for groceries yesterday and today, it's often worth the...
© VTMBad news for the candidates K2 looking for K3Because during the last training camp next Saturday, the participants will...
The creation of factories in space is not a whim of billionaires detached from reality, but projects that are gradually...
Nicholas Lombarts finished his first months as a coach. The former defender appreciates life as a busier, but also sees...