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People over the age of 56 in Brussels can call to register this week …

People over the age of 56 in Brussels can call to register this week …

If you are 56 years or older, you can still receive the vaccination this week without an invitation. That is, if you live in Brussels. Mayor Philip Close (PS) reported this on Twitter. There are still places available for the coming days.

“These are vaccines from Brussels residents who don’t immediately respond to their call,” explains Heidi Schmidt of the Joint Community Committee that organizes the vaccination campaign in the Brussels region. “We send invitations and if the available time slots are not filled, other people of the same age can take the places.”

Preparedness for vaccination is increasing

“Now it’s about the 56-year-old, in the coming weeks you will see similar calls to young people.” Last weekend, the district also launched a call to fill in the remaining fields. “This allows us to keep our stock of vaccines to a minimum.”

According to Schmidt, the preparation for vaccination in Brussels is not much less than in Flanders, at most by a few percentage points. This is in contrast to Previous messages. “Above all, we note that the desire to vaccinate has actually increased by five to ten percent since the beginning of the year.”

‘Very fast’

I’ve heard he said that young groups in Brussels are getting vaccinated more quickly. Then I looked at the vaccination site in the area, ”says Cecilia de Moore from Anderlecht. She said anyone born in or before 1961 can make an appointment. I did it right away for my husband and he managed to get his shot the next day.

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When I browsed the site again on Tuesday, it turns out that the age limit has decreased. I called and fifteen minutes later I called an expert person who speaks Dutch on the line. For me, it didn’t matter to which vaccination center I had to go, and I could get my injection on a Wednesday afternoon. Things went very smoothly. After a good half hour I was outside again. In the meantime I also received a text message with the date of the second injection.

“Brussels often gets negative attention,” laughs de Moore, “but if all goes well, we can also say so.” “The whole process went smoothly and flexibly.”

Brussels residents 56 years of age or older who do not wish to wait for their injection can make an appointment at the vaccination center of their choice on 19 02/214. More information about Corona Virus.