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Playstation Stars Points System Has Changed: What You Need to Know

Playstation Stars Points System Has Changed: What You Need to Know

Playstation stars

Sony sent out emails last night about upcoming changes to the Playstation Stars subscription. If you don’t accept the updated terms of service as of October 24, you will no longer be able to access your points and benefits. The time when your points never expire is over.

For those who don’t know what Playstation Stars is, it’s Playstation’s loyalty program. This means you earn points with every purchase or complete campaigns to earn points or digital collectibles. I personally never understood what those collectibles meant, but the points are interesting. Because you can redeem them for vouchers or games.

But will things change now?
From October 24, 2024 New points will expire at the end of the month plus 12 months from the date they appear in your account balance. Points earned before October 24, 2024 will expire at the end of the month plus 24 months from the date they appear in your account balance.

From March 1, 2025 The definition of “eligible purchases” will be updated to exclude PS Store subscription payments. Therefore, you will no longer earn points when you purchase a subscription. important is this you From October 24 So sign up for Playstation Stars at Playstation App or connected To keep the points you have already saved.

Posted by AFreshNut93

He started playing when he bought a PS2 when he was 10 years old with his own savings. Since then, he has been a full-time console gamer. He has played many types of games in his 20+ years of gaming experience, but he enjoys a good story game like no other. However, he is not afraid to race his Formula 1 car into dungeons to purge them of all that scum. Or, like a true adventurer, will he seek out a new mission to help some universe from a (yet another) dark entity.
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