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Quinn Waters “I don't remember anything about the previous 124 sports palaces” |  Showbiz

Quinn Waters “I don’t remember anything about the previous 124 sports palaces” | Showbiz

“It may seem strange, but I remember nothing about those special moments and sports palaces.” This is what Quinn Waters says in the new episode of De HLN Mediawatchers. In the interview he also talked about how many concerts he wants to perform at Sportpaleis next year: “If we don’t sell out the 125th gig, I’ll look for another job.” Quinn also talks about his greatest love, “Desert Rally.”

Listen to the entire podcast below, in which former K3 composer Miguel Wells also explains how “famous” he was in the Netherlands and the naughty secret messages K3’s songs had.

LISTEN: The latest episode of HLN Mediawatchers