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Sam Gores makes big decision: ‘Shania convinced me’ | Football24

Sam Gores makes big decision: ‘Shania convinced me’ | Football24

Sam Gores makes an important decision:

Thursday, August 22, 2024 – 2:00 PM By Editorial Board

The Joris family was surprised when they suddenly announced that they were getting two dogs. Daughter Shania really wanted one, but father Sam and mother Kelly Pfaff had long been against it.

On May 10, during Shania’s birthday, we succeeded. “She then managed to convince me and Kelly,” laughs Sam in Het Laatste Nieuws. “Kelly made a surprise photo card showing the litter from which she could choose a dog. We gave it to Shania at 12 o’clock at night, when her birthday officially started.”

“At the end of June, we were allowed to bring the puppies. And I say puppies on purpose, because Kenji picked one up too. And I have to say: our children are responsible for them, so for now I think everything is fine,” Sam says.

“I’m not home much at the moment – ​​because of my performances – so it doesn’t bother me too much. If I really have to worry about it, it’s when I come home at night after a performance and I see those creatures there again. I have to go out but that’s a side issue that I see Shania and Kenji enjoying a lot, which is the main thing.

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"Eind juni mochten we de puppy’s gaan halen. En ik zeg bewust puppy’s, want Kenji heeft er ook eentje gekozen. En ik moet zeggen: onze kinderen nemen beiden hun verantwoordelijkheid, dus voorlopig vind ik het allemaal prima", klinkt het bij Sam.

"Momenteel ben ik - vanwege mijn optredens - niet vaak thuis, dus veel last heb ik er niet van. Als ik er mij al eens echt mee moet bezighouden, is het wanneer ik na een optreden ‘s nachts thuis kom en die beestjes nog eens naar buiten moeten. Maar goed: da’s bijzaak. Ik zie dat Shania en Kenji er enorm van genieten, en da’s het voornaamste.”
