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Short Health Care News: 3D Organ Atlas;  Nursing Awards, and more - ICT and Health

Short Health Care News: 3D Organ Atlas; Nursing Awards, and more – ICT and Health

This week’s short healthcare news focuses on a 3D Atlas of Human Organs containing high-resolution images of human organs and the presentation of three nursing awards during the Care for the Future Symposium organized by CWZ. Attention is also being given to Dr. Inge Wuertel’s artificial intelligence project to analyze cell movements.

3D Atlas of Human Organs

Within the Human Organs Atlas Center (HOAHub) project High-resolution images of human organs are created. The images are created using a particle accelerator in Grenoble. Such images have now been taken of more than 50 organs, such as the lungs, brain, heart, kidneys, spleen and liver. The organs used in this 3D atlas come from the bodies of people who have made themselves available to science.

The scans have a resolution of 25 microns, approximately twenty times the resolution of a clinical CT scanner. It can then magnify small areas with a resolution of less than 1 micron, which is five hundred times the resolution of a CT scanner. Bernadette De Backer is a physician and imaging specialist who plays an important role at HOAHub. In the video below she explains why this research is important.

Caring for the future

The “Care for the Future” symposium was held at the end of October detained In the CWZ hall. The main focus was the presentation of three nursing awards: the CWZ Nursing Science Award, the EBP (Evidence Based Practice) Award and the Nursing Dissertation Award. Candidates from each category presented their research during the symposium.

Katie Cremers, an orthopedic and traumatology nurse, won the CWZ Nursing Science Award. She has conducted research on bladder catheterization after hip and knee arthroplasty. The EBP award was won by Yvette Verneweg, Lauren Kanis and Petra Woldrink, nurses from the C40 Surgical Department. They wondered whether patients could bathe before surgery to prevent postoperative wound infections or whether bathing would have an effect on perioperative hypothermia. The third award, the Nursing Dissertation Award, went to Miki Heitkamp-Van Deursen, a specialist nurse in neurology/neurosurgery, for her research into the experiences and support needs during detoxification treatment in patients with medication-overuse headaches. .

AiNed Fellowship Scholarship

thanks for the distribution Thanks to the AiNed Fellowship, Dr. Inge Wortel can soon start a research project entitled “Artificial intelligence and simulation to decode the spatiotemporal dynamics of immune responses” at Radboud University Nijmegen.

Cell movement is critical in health and disease. Scientists can photograph this movement using microscopes. Since these videos are difficult to analyze, the Inge Wortel project is developing artificial intelligence to help with this. AI is therefore accelerating new discoveries in important research areas such as immunology and cancer research.

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