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SmileDirectClub Offers New Lifetime Smile Guarantee™

SmileDirectClub Offers New Lifetime Smile Guarantee™

SmileDirectClub has been straightening teeth and brightening smiles since 2014. Along the way, it’s become of the fastest-growing health tech companies with more than a million customers worldwide.

Now, SmileDirectClub’s customers have something new to smile about.

The medtech platform has announced a new program that provides a lifetime guarantee for customers. The Lifetime Smile Guarantee™ is an industry-first, and guarantees its customers a straighter smile for life.

“Teeth naturally move throughout a person’s life, even after completing any teeth straightening service,” said Dr. Jeffrey Sulitzer, Chief Clinical Officer at SmileDirectClub. “Our Lifetime Smile Guarantee™ ensures our Club Members can keep their new smile for life.

Qualifying for the Lifetime Smile Guarantee™

To qualify for the Lifetime Smile Guarantee™, customers must complete the clear aligner therapy with SmileDirectClub and maintain their retainer subscription. The subscription includes ordering two new retainers per year. If, during the patient’s lifetime, their prescribing dentist or orthodontist determines they need further treatment to maintain their smile, the patient can qualify for a free set of aligners on an annual basis.

As part of treatment, SmileDirectClub provides regular virtual check-ins to track patient progress. If something’s not quite right, doctors can recommend an adjustment to the patient’s aligner to correct any issue. Under the Lifetime Smile Guarantee™, the new aligners are shipped to customers free of charge.

According to John Sheldon, Chief Marketing Officer of SmileDirectClub, the Lifetime Smile Guarantee™ ensures that SmileDirectClub customers never have to pay again to straighten their smile.

“Our Lifetime Smile Guarantee™ provides a tremendous value to our customer. It ensures SmileDirectClub’s premium, doctor-directed treatment is guaranteed for life and that our customers continue to receive our unparalleled customer support well beyond their initial treatment,” said Smith.

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Honoring World Health Day

SmileDirectClub made the Lifetime Smile Guarantee™ announcement in honor of World Health Day, which is celebrated each year on April 7th to create awareness of worldwide health concerns for the World Health Organization(WHO).

This year’s theme focuses on building a fairer, healthier world by providing living and working conditions that are conducive to good health.

The SmileDirectClub Business Model

SmileDirectClub pioneered the concept of medtech for teeth straightening, partnering with affiliated dentists and orthodontists and providing telehealth and direct-to-consumer aligners at reduced rates. In 2020, the company posted total revenue of $657 million. The company shipped more than 100,000 aligners in the fourth quarter of 2020 alone.

In releasing the company’s Q4 and 2020 full-year financial results, SmileDirectClub Chief Financial Officer Kyle Wailes said the flexibility and scalability of the company’s business model helped SmileDirectClub finish the year ahead of expectations.

“Our results in the fourth quarter close out a year where we made meaningful progress against our plan of controlled growth with profitability,” Wailes said.

“Despite the swift onset of the pandemic and the macro uncertainty throughout 2020, our performance throughout the year was continued validation of the strength of our business model,” added David Katzman, SmileDirectClub CEO.

The Health Benefits of Straightening Your Teeth

According to American Dental Association (ADA), an abnormal bite is about more than just correcting a smile. Straightening teeth help the gums fit more securely around the teeth, which helps prevent periodontal problems such as the collection of harmful bacteria.

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When teeth aren’t straight, they may appear crowded or crooked and impact the motion of your jaw as upper and lower jaws may not meet properly. The ADA says failing to address the underlying problem may results in oral health problems, including:

  • Tooth decay
  • Gum diseases
  • Tooth loss
  • Affected speech
  • Chewing problems
  • Abnormal tooth enamel wear
  • Jaw problems

Dr. Sulitzer says this program helps customers reap the additional benefits from a lifelong straighter smile, “including the ability to improve oral health and potentially reduce chronic inflammation of the gums which helps avoid diseases like diabetes, coronary artery disease, and rheumatoid arthritis.”

There’s also the benefit of a smile. When people have a great smile, they’re more confident about their appearance and tend to smile more often. Research shows there’s a connection between smiling and maintaining a happy, positive mood which can lead to a healthier lifestyle.

Smiling has been shown to decrease stress and elevate moods. Smiles can trigger the release of neuropeptides and transmitters, such as dopamine or serotonin. These neurotransmitters can act as a natural antidepressant and boost your immune system.

By the way, happier people live longer.