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Some Brussels Delhaizes are now also open on Sundays: “More freedom for your own initiative”

Some Brussels Delhaizes are now also open on Sundays: “More freedom for your own initiative”

In Brussels, some Delhaize branches will now also be open on Sundays. Franchise advantage according to Mathieu van Hoversoen, the new manager of the Auderghem branch. He notes that there is now more freedom for personal interpretation, but the beginning “did not go smoothly.”

Delhaize Hankar opened today for the first time on Sunday. Mathieu Van Heuverswyn is satisfied that many customers easily found their way to the store. He has been at the head of the branch in Odergem since November 7, along with fellow director Hadrian de Cartier.

“I have actually worked at Delhaize all my life, including working in several branches in Brussels and Liège,” says van Hoversoen. “So I already had some experience running a store. Although I can’t deny that the beginning was very difficult.”


The fact that there has been a lot of criticism around department store chain franchising has certainly contributed to this, says Van Hoversoen. It was an eventful period, marked by difficulties exacerbated by intense media interest. There was a lot of anxiety among employees about the new conditions. And it was no different in this store.

Van Heuversoijn did not know the people at the Oudergem branch well. “I visited the team once a month and a half before the takeover to explain the new situation. “To get to know each other better, Hadrian and I had one-on-one conversations with employees. We wanted to get a picture of who our employees are, their questions and doubts, and how we can improve their employment situation. I had a business plan in mind, but without good employee relations you can't achieve anything. A store is much more than a four-walled building in which products are sold.


| Announcement on the entrance door of the branch in Odergam.


It quickly became clear that restoring trust was essential. Van Hoversoen: “When there was a lot of interest in franchising, the customer base in this branch declined somewhat. Also understandable. Sometimes the store was open, sometimes closed, and the shelves were not always full… Then there is the long business Range in Waversteenweg.

But now that the situation has calmed down, Van Heuversoijn sees people coming back. “Hadrian and I try to be in the store as much as possible. In the meantime, there are customers who spontaneously come in and talk to us. Very pleasant, so you can find out what's happening in the area. A few people have just told me that they are very happy about the new opening day. They can do Everything they need to shop here, compared to small supermarkets.

According to van Hoversoen, the fact that the store is now also open on Sundays is an advantage for franchising. “The framework in which we work is less strict. There is more room for your own initiatives. A new opening day, for example, but also promotions or sponsorships. This also applies to activities with employees. In two weeks, we will all go bowling together. Thank them for Their efforts during a busy year-end period.

In addition to Delhaize Hankar, the De Fré (Uccle), Saint-Antoine (Etterbeek) and Fort Jaco (Uccle) branches are also open on Sundays.