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Soros’ European Championship plot – NRC

Soros’ European Championship plot – NRC

“The roller coaster in the F. group is very unpredictable.”

“You’re not really seeing anything, are you? Look at what’s going on! First Erdogan leaves, Putin behind it, and on Wednesday evening Pies-Poland and Orban. A purity that even Stalin would be ashamed of! “

“Scotland loves the EU. It has been turned off.”

“Scotland is so bad, even Soros can do nothing about it. Soros, yes. Have you ever lived under a rock? Look at the Facebook man: he owns the Popper 1945 console made in New Zealand, which allows you to control vaccinated players via 5G, or Lewandowski on his own. Do you think he’s going to cross twice? Robbie had a good time! There are pictures of Soros sweating through his pool with a controller in hand. Due to the clouds, communication with Munich was bad. It was human work, wasn’t it? You saw that bastard happily closed his eyes when he was allowed to make a mistake. Happy, Schaefer gets marks immediately. How much proof do you need? ”

“Who do you think will win this Electoral Commission conspiracy?”

“Fra Angela, of course. Farewell present. Unless … we play with Wout Weghorst. Soros has no control over him. I will immediately call Frank de Boer. ”

Argen Fortune

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