Disney+ has released a new miniseries called Mickey's Christmas Tales. The series consists of five short episodes, inspired by Mickey...
The core functionality has been absent for 40 years, but has now finally been integrated. Step by step, Notepad becomes...
The Municipality of Wellbrook has decided to develop a new Place and Mobility Policy Plan, which will replace the current...
Fortnite brings the world of LEGO to the popular battle royale game. In the new presentation, we see snapshots of...
Google's Gemini will appear in different forms and should outperform GPT-4. In this way, Google wants to prove that it,...
AMD launches new laptop processors. The AMD Ryzen 8040 mobile phone doesn't involve any architectural leaps, but it's mainly making...
Gmail offers AI-based spam detection to protect users from unwanted spam messages. The company wants to outsmart scammers with a...
We mainly know Swedish developer Starbreeze Studios from PayDay Games, but it has now been announced that work is underway...
Google removes accounts that have not been used for more than two years. The company does this to free up...
© Central Processing Unit – Willem Devriendt How a gang of Canadians managed to make us feel like they were...