The search for a site to build an athletics track continues in Dadizele. Moorslede provides €250,000 for the purchase of the land.
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“We first want to identify the site before expanding on it,” said Alderman from Finance Sherley Beernaert (STERK). “The budget is available. There is a view on the site, but we still have to talk to the neighborhood. We hope to complete it in 2023. We will involve the athletics clubs and the Sports Council. “A few large sanitation projects are to be planned in the coming years. A budget of 1,500,000 euros has been set in the multi-year plan for this. In the program are Nieuwstraat, Azalealaan, Geluwestraat, Kleppestraat-Ledegemstraat and Breulstraat-Tuimelarestraat. Said Alderman Beernaert. We will take this opportunity to renovate the pedestrian and cycle lanes, to create bike lanes, bike strips and a bicycle area.” The municipal primary school building is being renovated in Roeselaarsestraat. A credit of 350,000 euros has been secured for this. “It is the most historic part of the school,” says Shirley Bernayert. , visible from the street.” There is now part of the dining room and some smaller classrooms there. These rooms are also used for music lessons. This building no longer meets current sustainability standards at all.” Verledding municipality also continues to focus on modifying public lighting. There are 303 light points to connect. “The agreement was to set up 200 light points each year,” says Bernayert. “We’ve started a little bit here. We offer all approaches, except for the Roeselaarsestraat, which has already been dealt with. At Kortrijksestraat some light spots will be added in the turns to improve road safety. At ‘t Torreke in Dadizele, the library moves to the ground floor,” he said. Nassim Ben Idris (Vision), a local council member for culture, “We need more space.” “There may be overtime hours. An additional meeting room or multi-purpose room will be built where the library is now.” (Eric Diblok)
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