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This is how Keanu Reeves reacted when he first saw The Matrix Resurrections

This is how Keanu Reeves reacted when he first saw The Matrix Resurrections

Lana Wachowski, boss Resurrection MatrixDuring an interview, he tells how the actor Keanu Reeves He reacted to the movie when he first saw it.

In the movie, Reeves returns as Neo for the first time since 2003. We see him live in the Matrix again as Thomas Anderson, completely oblivious to the simulations he’s in. At the same time, Neo will surely eventually know who he is again, because we saw flashes of exciting action in the trailer.

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The director confirmed during an interview that the new movie hit Keanu Reeves hard when he saw the final product.

“We showed Keanu the movie and he was clearly stunned. He said something that was really quintessential to Keanu, and he gave a clear vision,” Lana Wachowski started. continued:

“He was just sitting there. So you don’t expect there to be an incredible discovery at that point. But he said, ‘Twenty years ago I told a story that presented the next 20 years and the problems of digital and virtual life.'” And what impact does that have on us and our thinking, and you’ve given us a framework to think about and talk about that. I took the same character, the same stories, the same material and was able to make it more than twenty years later.” He concluded by saying: “How did you do that? “