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'Those dance moves seem to come straight from her video': Our Man Joins the Search for 'Masked Singers' |  The Masked Singer 2022

‘Those dance moves seem to come straight from her video’: Our Man Joins the Search for ‘Masked Singers’ | The Masked Singer 2022

televisionWill the ending of The Masked Singer be a female encounter? Or does the naughty and cheerful rabbit present the surprise and put his paw among the group of women? And are we 100% sure who’s wearing the suits? We included all the right hints and slopes, listened to loads of music and made our predictions every week. “After ‘Scorpio’ made it clear that she fears bees and wasps, we know for sure who is wearing that suit.” With Ridder, on the other hand, there’s suddenly a third possibility rearing its head.

Mark Koenigracht

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