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Three new women report to the Bart de Pauw case

Three new women report to the Bart de Pauw case

Three new women have reported to attorney Kristen Moss on Bart De Pau’s story. This brings the number to sixteen testimony condemning him. This was reported by VTM Nieuws and it has been confirmed to our editors. Next Wednesday, October 13, the trial of the program maker will begin.

Nine women filed civil suits in the process. These are Mike Kavmeyer, Lisa Naert, Catherine Ungeni, Ellie John Henard, Devigne Bob, Ginka Van de Forde, Helena de Kramer, Liz Veren and Elaine Lloyd. They are all represented by attorneys Christine Mossi and Anne-Sophie Rice.

In addition, there were four women with legal “victim” status in the case. They told their story, but did not represent themselves as civic parties. To date, there are three new additional supporting testimonies from women who have reported to the attorney. This was reported by VTM Nieuws and it has been confirmed to our editors. According to VTM, they received sexually colored text messages.

The three testimonies do not change the course of the trial. Although it is likely that he was quoted by Mussche and Raes during the trial. Their identity is not yet known. Neither Lawyer Mussche nor the Institute for the Equality of Women and Men would like to provide any additional information.

Bart de Pauw has been referred to the criminal court on charges of electronic harassment and stalking. At the beginning of November 2017, the TV maker and presenter himself announced that VRT had stopped working with him after complaints about cross-border behavior by several of the women he worked with.

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