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US President Joe Biden wants to release secret FBI documents about the September 11 attacks

US President Joe Biden wants to release secret FBI documents about the September 11 attacks

By presidential decree, Joe Biden ordered the judiciary and other government agencies, among other things, to see what documents could be released regarding the September 11, 2001 attacks.

Once the disclosure begins, the documents will be released in the next six months.

According to Biden, the release of these documents is part of his commitment to providing transparency about the attacks. He promises that he will take into account with the publications the families of the victims of the bloody attacks on the Twin Towers in New York.

According to CNN, the order was signed after 1,600 victims and relatives of the attackers sent an open letter to Biden. They called on the president not to go to Ground Zero in New York to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the attacks. Shortly after the letter was released, the judiciary said it was reviewing undisclosed documents that could be shared with the public.

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