Cheraw Chronicle

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Van Dutch Jolinda, stolen in New Zealand, buys a new one from donations |  Abroad

Van Dutch Jolinda, stolen in New Zealand, buys a new one from donations | Abroad

De Zhang left the Netherlands to travel around the world, but when the epidemic broke out he decided to stay in New Zealand. He has been living in his van for the past two years doing seasonal work in orchards and vineyards.

Last month, while hiking on Stewart Island, he parked this Toyota Highs car in a parking lot in the port city of Pluff. When she returned, she found that her van and belongings had been stolen.


For a moment, De Jong seemed to shatter his dream. According to the news website Subject She had planned to end her trip sooner and return to the Netherlands because of the stolen van. But after the locals got the air of the incident, de Zhang received huge donations from completely strangers.

With the money he received from these donations, from his own savings and fundraising page, de Jongal was able to purchase the blue Mitsubishi L200 bus last week.

Drowned in grace

De Jong is currently on the South Island, spending the holidays with friends. She feels even more so because of the grace she has received. “Everyone is so nice, they give me shelter and help,” he says Subject.

De Zhang plans to continue his tour with his new van. “I go to the North Island and want to learn to sail somewhere if possible. So it’s a task. I love diving with poor knights in the Bay of Islands.