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What was agreed in the Framework Agreement on Space and Housing?

What was agreed in the Framework Agreement on Space and Housing?

The formed political parties – PVV, VVD, NSC and BBB – have agreed on a framework agreement with which they want to begin their government term. What was agreed in this master agreement regarding space and housing?

The framework agreement sets out dozens of policy points related to space, housing and infrastructure. We list the most important ones here.

Minister of Space
“There will be a coordinating minister who will direct spatial planning and the number of houses that should be built. This takes into account the role of target groups (youth, elderly, young families, homeless people).

100,000 new homes annually
“A housing summit will be organized as soon as possible, where the central government, pension funds, housing associations, social partners, municipalities and counties will conclude enforceable agreements to structurally increase housing construction. The political goal is to build 100,000 structurally additional homes per year, which are suitable for demographic developments.” location in the coming years.

Make better use of existing buildings
“Existing housing stock is best used by extending the reuse of existing buildings and, where desired, legally consolidating them (reuse of office and commercial properties, addition to and/or subdivision of homes, ‘family living’, home sharing, tolerance of These residences may be permanently occupied.

And also identify new areas of explanation
“Allocate new areas for large-scale housing construction, preferably around existing infrastructure, in addition to existing housing sites and (existing) housing deals. The proposal will be submitted as soon as possible, based on the NOVEX software, among others.

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Space for housing cooperatives
“Removing legal and financial barriers to a new third sector: cooperative living.”

For new construction, at least 30% social rent
At least 30% of new construction on average – i.e. with area-specific differentiation – must be socially rented; The bill on strengthening public housing management will be amended to give municipalities more local space here. Two-thirds of the new homes to be built must be affordable to middle-income people.

Possibility of medium term rental through a housing association
“It is being promoted that housing associations can also play a greater role in the medium (low) rent sector by focusing on changes to the relevant rules in the EU.” And: “There will be binding agreements with housing associations, also on medium-term rent.”

The night line will continue to be built
“Construction of the Night Line will continue, with construction starting in Groningen if technically feasible.”

There is no mandatory heat pump
“There will be no mandatory label jumps for owner-occupied homes, and the obligation to install a heat pump will be removed from 2026 when replacing a heating boiler.”

More space for nitrogen emissions
“Re-evaluation of the Natura 2000 areas, with the aim of creating a master structure of areas with strong nature (no ‘scattered nature’).” And: “Dutch nature and our cultural landscapes, created and maintained by farmers and gardeners, are beautiful. Where necessary, we work to conserve a specific area. We enhance our immediate living environment and ensure a holistic nature of agriculture. And: «In nature policy, the actually measured state of nature It is the leader that the cash deposit value will be removed from the law and replaced with a legally sustainable alternative.

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The full outline agreement can be read at Formation of the Council of Ministers