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Where do the seven deadly sins come from?

Where do the seven deadly sins come from?

Pope Francis is currently addressing the seven deadly sins during his catechesis in the traditional Wednesday audience at the Vatican. It's a rather strange list, but one that still inspires film and television makers and pop musicians to this day.

In the fourth century, a Greek monk wrote Evagrius Ponticus About the “eight evil thoughts”: gluttony, lust, greed, anger, sloth, sadness, vanity, and pride. But Evagrius did not write for a general audience. As a desert hermit monk in the Eastern Christian Church, he wrote to other monks about how these eight ideas could disrupt their spiritual lives.

One of Evagrius's disciples, john cassian, He brought these ideas to the Western Church, where they were translated from Greek to Latin.

It was rearranged in the 6th century Gregory the Great – The greatest pope of the early Middle Ages – this list is in his commentary on the book jobDelete “laziness” and add “envy.” Instead of giving the word “pride” its own place on the list, he described it as something related to the other seven vices.

In the thirteenth century, the Dominican theologian looked at Thomas Aquinas I looked at his menu again Summa Theologiae (Summary of Theology). He added “laziness” back in his list and removed “sadness.” Like Gregory, Thomas Aquinas described “pride” as the universal ruler of the seven sins. Current deadly sins in Catechism of the Catholic Church It is essentially the same as that of Aquinas, except that “pride” replaces “vanity.”

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What are these sins? This concerns seven sins, each of which is the basis of many other sins. “They bring other sins,” he says. Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) in No. 1866. Sin strives to repeat itself. The concept of mortal sin is sometimes confused with the concept of capital sin, but it has a different meaning. Mortal sin is a violation of one of the Ten Commandments. The problem is that people talk about in English “The Seven Deadly Sins” In German about “Sieben Todsunden”.

The seven deadly sins are:

  1. Superbia (pride – arrogance – vanity – pride)
  2. Avaritia (greed – avarice)
  3. Luxury (chastity – lust – lust)
  4. Invidia (envy – jealousy – envy)
  5. Jula (nervousness – gluttony – gluttony)
  6. Ira (anger – indignation – revenge – indignation)
  7. Boredom (laziness – laziness – laziness – laziness), from Greek “ἀκηδία”

In addition to the seven deadly sins, there is a list of their counterparts: the seven virtues.